4) The Mind, Karma and Past Lives

Being ‘human’ is of the utmost importance. This factor also relates to your mental and emotional states. For instance, many who are on the spiritual path are overly focussed on the higher realms and a do not relate, or merge fully with humanity as a whole. At the end of the day we are on this planet and the most comfortable and useful place to be is in tune with everyday life. It may not be of such importance to be over concerning oneself with processing “stuff’, or the impressions of past lives. This is because that ‘your’ karma is giving you an opportunity to clear it in every moment. The frustration of many past lives may manifest one morning when you burn your toast! Karma would be doing a bad job if it were not manifesting in your daily life, and you most certainly do not need to go looking for it

Karma is a funny thing’ - however, it is not inscrutable. It is real and happening now. It is understandable and transformable. And it is probably the most misunderstood aspect of spirituality out there.

Karma is the force of balance in your life. It is the guiding principle that creates reality around you as you see it. Karma is especially designed to give you balance of heart and mind.
Mentally we have to eliminate harmful thoughts from our awareness. If for instance one keeps having the thought, ‘I cannot do this’, then you will find yourself stuck in a self-fulfilling prophecy that will become increasingly harder to escape from. The real trick is to watch the thoughts as they arise. If you can do this instead of instantly investing yourself into the thoughts then you will have power over it.

If you can choose whether you deem the thought to be true, or simply self-mocking you will find yourself one step closer to reality and what is true. However, of course you may be a sucker for these kind of thoughts. Which is why you must affirm to the opposite. The thoughts of the mind are like currents in the sea as they have a specific direction in which they flow. To break this direction can be almost impossible if the thought-current is particularity strong. So we need to condition the mind to flow in another direction.


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