2) Being Real for Light Workers

To Light Workers being real means being true to both yourself and your emotions on a ground level. However, on the higher levels it means bringing in your spiritual truth and guidance. Light Workers who are real on a human level becomes an expert at giving people guidance as a Spiritual Teacher. Being real with your emotions, thoughts and lower self give rise to knowledge of the Higher Self. More so this in fact leads to the empowerment of the Higher Self. This in turn means that you bring more of your Soul down in to physicality.

Many Light Workers may well be Spiritual Masters in the making, but they actually know little about human ways and emotions. It does not matter if you can channel light, or tune into the higher planes if you are not in tune with your most basic emotions. In fact, in the name of spirituality many of the lesser emotions have been suppressed. There are thoughtforms that tells you that you should not express your basic needs. Of course this was planted by the Dark Lodge.

However, the true thrust of Being Real is being able to express these basic wants and feeling, wherever you are and to whomever you are with. This is not for the faint hearted . . .

Being honest about your feeling and negativity takes away their hold over you. You might go into many vulnerable layers of emotions and hurtful past events during a healing, or counselling session. Could you go through all those same things in front of a group of people and being truly honest?
Say what you feel and follow it up with action. Don’t worry about the consequences. Too much of your spiritual energy gets bottled up by not acting in this way. Be carefree and let your gut instincts guide you. In this way you are actually doing a good job of integrating yourself as many of these ground level feelings and emotions come from the lower three chakras. These are the same gut reactions that ordinary people have and that serve them well.

Be honest about what you feel, above and beyond what other people expect however. Especially be honest about those things you find hardest to express. Really you have nothing to lose. As you start down this path you will come to know when you are holding on to your truth and feelings as you will feel ‘gagged’ when you don’t express it.

The crowning glory of Being Real comes when you can express your so called darkest feelings and experiences. These are aspects of the Shadow Self that you have suppressed and locked into the subconscious mind. A great release comes about when you release these trapped Soul Aspects and this allows you to bring them into creation more fully giving you a greater point of balance.

When you can express these emotions, negativity ceases to have a hold on you. It becomes a temporary condition that passes like the wind.

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